Honey in flavour, composition and physical properties is highly variable and depends on the source of the nectar, the seasons, the climate and various other environmental factors.
Our honey is harvested in Summer, Autum, Spring and occasionally a limited Winter harvest.
Pick Your Choice

Spring Honey
Generally light in colour and flavour with high content of clover, capeweed and other bontanicals. When conditions are favorable some hives are placed in the ti-tree forests (a variety of manuka) in various locations on the Southern Mornington Peninsula to harvest this highly sought after honey.

Summer Honey
Predominantly eucalypts. Full bodied rich flavour.

Winter Honey
This small harvest makes is difficult to acquire as the bees are largely hibernating. At this time of year the banksia is flowering and produces a very dark and strong flavoured honey.

Autumn Honey
Stringy bark honey and sweet bursaria are the prodominant flora at this time. This gives the honey a highly characteristic, medium coloured honey that is great for cooking or when when a bold flavour is required. Some hives are placed among the melaleuca forrests to collect this delightful citrus scented honey which is extremely popular especially in beverages.
Extracting Facility
The honey is extracted by hand onsite at 460 Arthurs Seat Road, Red Hill, VIC. This laborious process removes the cold honey from the comb using a hand driven centrifigal extractor. The honey is then settled for several days before decanting into smaller containers for sale. This delicate process avoids heating the honey and ensures maximum natural flavour, aroma and goodness just like the bees intended!
Our honey is also unfiltered and may contain some very fine particulates of pollen and wax which is testament to the natual process of production.